At ChiroFit of Franklin, TN, we are committed not only to expert chiropractic care, but to optimal health for the entire body - nutritionally, structurally, and emotionally. What’s the difference? Our passion for chiropractic care is surpassed only by our desire for our patients to lead exceptionally healthy lives through fitness, diet and lifestyle. At Chirofit, we don’t just want to be your chiropractor in Franklin, TN. We want to be your source for a healthy new direction for living!

Glenn L. Lewis
About October 2008 I suffered from severe back pain. I tried exercise to lose the weight in my stomach. Somehow, I thought if I could lose the large stomach, the pain would go away. I met Dr. Hunter Evans while in the gym working to get better when he assured me he could help. Keeping him to his word, I started weekly sessions in his office. This led to a strict diet, colon cleanse and detox.
After a few sessions I began to lose weight and felt much better. I still wanted the stomach gone, though! So, I sought the help of Jennifer Guerrero, one of Chirofit’s personal trainers. I saw her once a week and Dr. Hunter once a week, along with my exercise program, I am feeling like my young self again. Five months later, I lost 35 lbs and went from a size 40 to a size 35 in pants. My wife can’t believe the difference in me. She thought this would be just another phase, but I have stuck with it and will continue to do my best! Thank you, Dr. Evans!
First Appointment - Total Cholesterol 155 // Triglycerides 214
After Six Months - Total Cholesterol 106 // Triglycerides 73
Glenn L. Lewis